Dr. Rick Jacoby’s Vlog on Stem Cells and the Urban Carnivore

Diabetes Can Cause Heart Trouble

Diabetes Can Cause Heart Trouble

First of all, no one can “catch” diabetes. It isn’t a virus. It isn’t a germ.

Secondly, you didn’t “catch” diabetes from your heart attack, and it’s the other way around.

Diabetics have some of the highest correlations with heart disease in the medical world.

Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat

One of my most significant stances is that the food industry has lied to us.

It wants us to eat tons of sugar, which I know for a fact causes terrible diseases.

When instead, we should be eating the way our prehistoric ancestors ate.

In other words, we should eat plenty of meat and leafy green vegetables.

The Truth About Stem Cells

The Truth About Stem Cells 

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health advocate, and the author of “Sugar Crush,” a book about our current addiction to sugar.

I’m also a huge proponent of stem cell therapies.