by Dr. Richard Jacoby, DPM | Feb 24, 2024 | urban carnivore
Modern Diets Filled With Sugar
Diets Filled With Sugar
Your feet might be swelling, a sign of diabetes. Let’s explore this often misunderstood connection.
Diabetes mellitus is the full name for diabetes.
Originating from the Greek term meaning “siphon the sweet,” diabetes has a historical context that is often overlooked.
Interestingly, physicians in the 16th century were known to diagnose diabetes by tasting the urine of their patients.
When the urine tasted sweet, the body was eliminating excess sugars.
Therefore, the diagnosis was diabetes.
It’s a contentious topic today.
Modern Diets Filled With Sugar
Yet, I believe that the prevalence of diabetes is primarily due to the high sugar content in our modern diets.
Research, including mine, has demonstrated that sugar detrimentally affects the body’s nerves.
This, among other consequences, leads to the failure of the body’s natural pumping mechanism.
As a result, fluids are unable to circulate correctly.
In numerous instances, simply eliminating sugar from the diet is all that is necessary.
Repeatedly, I have observed individuals overcoming types of diabetes and prediabetes.
This observation is one of the motivations behind my launch of the new online course, The Urban Carnivore.
In this course, I teach participants how to sidestep these issues and embrace a healthy, enduring, and fulfilling lifestyle.
For more information, you are encouraged to visit my website at
Meanwhile, I wish you health and happiness.
by Dr. Richard Jacoby, DPM | Feb 10, 2024 | urban carnivore
Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat
I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health advocate, and author of the book “Sugar Crush.”
One of my most significant stances is that the food industry has lied to us.
It wants us to eat tons of sugar, which I know for a fact causes terrible diseases.
When instead, we should be eating the way our prehistoric ancestors ate.
In other words, we should eat plenty of meat and leafy green vegetables.
People always tell me, “But meat’s too expensive to eat!”
Is it?
I recently went to my market here in Scottsdale, Arizona, and bought a one-pound filet of good beef.
Which cost me about $34.
I took it home and cooked half the filet for the one meal I have every day.
Only half. And I didn’t even finish that half.
I ate the rest the following day with two eggs.
The total cost of my food for that day? I’d say about $10.
Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat
And here’s the trick: my cholesterol levels are acceptable, my triglycerides are significant, and I’m getting my vitamins.
What I’m not getting is … drum roll, please … sugar.
Pound after pound of nerve-corroding, fat-inducing sugar.
I talk about the biochemistry behind this phenomenon at length in my new online course, Urban Carnivore.
You can find that course on my website,
My goal in offering this course is to get you as healthy as possible.
To live longer while enjoying happier days.
What you hear me say might shock you because it defies how you’ve been taught.
But give it a try, and I think you’ll see that it makes all the difference in your physical and mental well-being.