Rethinking Healthcare Prevention Over Repair

Rethinking Healthcare Prevention Over Repair

Prevention Over Repair

Imagine you’re a mechanic. Your day starts with fixing cars damaged in accidents, which likely satisfies you since it’s your job.

Now, picture being a doctor. You see patients needing medical attention daily. Similarly, treating more patients means more income.

But let’s pause here. I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, a peripheral nerve surgeon with decades of experience and authorship.

The parallel between mechanics and doctors might seem odd. Yet, it highlights a crucial point: both professions thrive on fixing problems, not preventing them.

However, this doesn’t mean we should accept it as the only way. Especially in healthcare, where prevention could save more than costs—it could save lives.

Many diseases today stem from our lifestyle choices. Contrary to popular belief, not all conditions require medication or surgery. Often, better nutrition and more exercise are the keys.

At, I advocate for a shift towards preventative health. One of the significant steps? Cutting out sugar.

Especially for those with diabetes, this advice could be transformative. My Urban Carnivore course is designed to show how impactful these changes can be.

So, why is this shift necessary? It’s simple. By adopting a preventative mindset, we can work towards a healthier future for everyone.

Treat Diseases Before Symptoms Manifest

Treat Diseases Before Symptoms Manifest

It’s one of those things I’ll never understand about our current medical landscape.

Insurance companies only pay doctors to treat diseases post-symptomatically.

Meaning after they arise.

Which is ridiculous, sort of like shutting the barn door after the cows have all wandered out and got lost.

Wouldn’t it be better if we could treat certain diseases proactively, meaning before they manifest symptoms?

Whenever I propose this, people ask, “Well, how can we know a disease will strike before it strikes?”

The answer is modern technology.

For instance, the model used to be that insurance companies only paid for people to get glucose monitoring devices after they’d been diagnosed by a physician as being diabetic.

Nowadays, new technologies allow anyone to monitor their glucose levels.

And that’s very important because I think what we eat today is a lot of sugar.

Too much sugar.

And this excess sugar is causing a lot of what we see today as chronic diseases running rampant in our population.

Imagine being able to treat patients for diabetes before the disease manifests itself.

Sounds exciting.

Well, believe it or not, that day has arrived.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m a podiatrist and one of the foremost peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush.”

My book—indeed my entire life’s work—explores how sugar has taken over our diets.

Therefore, it’s time to cut sugar out of our diets immediately!

To help you do this, I’ve created a new online course called The Urban Carnivore.

You can find it on my website:

I hope you’ll check it out.

Here’s to your longer, happier, healthier life.

Diabetes Can Cause Heart Trouble

Diabetes Can Cause Heart Trouble

Boy, oh boy. Where to start?

I shake my head when my patients tell me this.

First of all, no one can “catch” diabetes. It isn’t a virus. It isn’t a germ.

Secondly, you didn’t “catch” diabetes from your heart attack, and it’s the other way around.

Diabetics have some of the highest correlations with heart disease in the medical world.

These patients were probably pre-diabetic in a medical sense for years, but they just never knew it.

That’s what challenged their hearts and led to the heart attack.

Once they got into the hospital, doctors ran some tests and discovered their chemistry was diabetic.

Hence, the misapprehension that the heart attack caused diabetes.

Diabetes Can Cause Heart Trouble

But there’s a way out of this.

The simple fact is that most of our modern diets are made up of processed foods.

Processed foods are sugar-enriched to “heighten” their taste.

They also have most of their nutrients stripped right out of them through processes like bleaching.

It’s time to abandon this madness and get back to the kind of diets our bodies were engineered to thrive!

Urban Carnivore is a diet rich in meats and leafy green vegetables.

Practically everything else should be cut out.

Try it and see how it works for you.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m one of the world’s foremost peripheral nerve surgeons.

Also the author of the groundbreaking, critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush.

You can listen to my corresponding podcast, “Sugar Crush,” which offers a wide range of new and exciting breakthroughs in medical technology.

My mission is to help you live a longer, healthier, happier life.

To that end, I invite you to check my new online course, The Urban Carnivore, at my website:

Here’s to your health and well-being.

Eat Like A Cave Man: Live Longer

Eat Like A Cave Man: Live Longer

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m one of the world’s foremost peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the groundbreaking, critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush.”

My mission is to help you live a longer, healthier, happier life.

One of the chief mechanisms I use is my new online course, The Urban Carnivore.

You can find it on my website,

Whenever they hear this, most people ask me, “What’s that? What’s an Urban Carnivore?”

Let me explain.

Anthropologists tell us that our oldest known human relative was a primate called Australopithecus.

Nicknamed Lucy.

These were the days of hunter-gatherer societies.

Males, being larger, would hunt while females gathered.

The males got the meat while the females gathered the vegetables—tubers and such.

Did it work?

Sure did. How do we know? Because human beings evolved.

That’s the best testimony you could hope for. We evolved.

But what did we evolve into?

Today, most people eat heavily processed, sugar-enriched foods with most nutrients stripped away.

Small wonder we see so many people suffering from chronic health problems.

What would happen if we got ourselves off this modern, debilitating diet and put ourselves back on a diet our bodies were fundamentally built to accept?

That’s what I mean when I say Urban Carnivore.

And that’s what I teach in my course, which I hope you’ll check out.

It might just save your life.

Once again, you can find the course on my website,

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

Recently, a patient of mine told me she was putting one of her parents on a new medication for Alzheimer’s disease.

However, before she even mentioned the medication, I was deeply underwhelmed. 

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

The medication in question represents the pinnacle of decades’ worth of research and comes with a host of potentially drastic side effects.

Yet, this new medication only delivers up to a ten percent reduction in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

I was particularly offended to read about this medication when I knew very well that a much better cure already exists for Alzheimer’s and plenty of other diseases.

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

A few of us who have experimented with it understand that this simple cure can treat dozens, if not hundreds, of diseases.

It has zero side effects—you read that right, zero side effects. And what is this cure, you ask?

Stem cells

My new book, “Unglued,” covers the subject of stem cells extensively.

Dr. Richard Jacoby is known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.  So, please. Visit my website: