How Does China Decrease Incidents of Diabetes?
How Does China Decrease Incidents of Diabetes?
Around 1981, I founded the Wound Care Center at a hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona, which is now called Honor Health.
I’d been working rather intensely with the diabetes community.
A few years later, I visited Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, to discuss diabetes among the Chinese population.
Invited by Dr. Hsu, a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology also, we traded many ideas and techniques for treating diabetes.
Interestingly enough China didn’t have nearly as many diabetics as we had in America.
Later during that trip, Dr. Hsu took me to a banquet, as a way to honor their guests.
Does China decrease incidents of diabetes?
At one point during this banquet, I pushed back from the table, quite pleased with the food, and ask
“What’s for dessert?”
Members of the wait staff had no idea what I was talking about. “What is this ‘dessert’?” they asked.
“You know,” I said. “Something sweet to top off the meal.”
They went back and scoured their kitchen and brought me a bowl of coconut water. It was the sweetest thing they could find.
Aha, I thought. Now this is informative.
Of course, the Chinese have decreased incidences of diabetes.
Overall, their diet—at that point—featured far fewer sugar-rich foods.
Whereas the typical American diet was and is chock full of products made with high-fructose corn syrup.
High-fructose corn syrup is a form of sugar that supposedly makes food tastier. When, in fact, it makes us sicker and sicker.
Regardless of which disease you’re thinking of—from autism to Alzheimer’s—the key culprit is sugar.
The science of epigenetics has proven this.
I’d be pleased to tell you more about my research in this crucial area.
For now, however, I urge you: if you want to get and stay healthy, cut all unnecessary sugar out of your diet!