A Cure With Zero Side Effects

Recently, a patient of mine told me she was putting one of her parents on a new medication for Alzheimer’s disease.

However, before she even mentioned the medication, I was deeply underwhelmed. 

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

The medication in question represents the pinnacle of decades’ worth of research and comes with a host of potentially drastic side effects.

Yet, this new medication only delivers up to a ten percent reduction in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

I was particularly offended to read about this medication when I knew very well that a much better cure already exists for Alzheimer’s and plenty of other diseases.

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

A few of us who have experimented with it understand that this simple cure can treat dozens, if not hundreds, of diseases.

It has zero side effects—you read that right, zero side effects. And what is this cure, you ask?

Stem cells

My new book, “Unglued,” covers the subject of stem cells extensively.

Dr. Richard Jacoby is known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.  So, please. Visit my website: www.drjacoby.academy.

Does Sugar Cause Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis?

Does sugar cause Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis?

People always ask me why I say autism, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and diabetic neuropathy are the same disease.

You’d understand my thinking if you’d studied these diseases under a microscope, as I have, at the Mayo Clinic.

A lot of it boils down to epigenetics.

The science of epigenetics covers changes that occur in an organism due to a modification of gene expression rather than a change in the actual genetic code.

Everyone’s genome is unique to them. Without epigenetics, we’d all be precisely the same.

However, with epigenetics, one person might develop gallbladder disease while another develops multiple sclerosis.

Or autism.

Or whatever.

We call these diseases different names, but they always arise from the same thing.

Each disease is caused by inflammation of the nerves.

And inflammation of the nerves is caused by sugar.

Sugar is the root cause of disease.

Here’s an analogy I like to use.

Think of automobile accidents.

They may occur at different intersections, at other times, with various people driving the cars.

But they’re still automobile accidents.

That’s why you must cut all unnecessary sugar from your diet.

And do it fast.

Your life may depend on it.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

If you’re suffering now from a chronic illness you can’t seem to beat, I hope that you’ll give me a call.

I’d love nothing more than to review your medical history with you and find out how we can make you healthy again.