Stem Cells Unavailable In The United States


I was trained in allopathic medicine, which means I was taught to cure diseases using tools such as radiation, surgery, and drugs.

Stem Cells Unavailable In The United States

The problem is, I’ve now seen the light.

A new wave of medicine that will revolutionize human healing is called stem cells.

Now I know what you’re probably thinking. “Stem cells are illegal in this country.”

Well, that’s not the whole truth.

In 2003, Senator John McCain of Arizona put together a stirring conference for the U.S. Senate on the potential use of non-embryonic stem cells.

These stem cells aren’t harvested from fetuses but from prenatal tissues such as afterbirth.

What most doctors like to call medical waste.

The Senators were shown how these stem cells could cure various diseases.

Do you know what their comment was?

“It’s a miracle!”

Autistic children and children with muscular dystrophy were treated with stem cells.

The kids with muscular dystrophy walked while the kids with autism learned to speak.

A miracle, indeed.

So why aren’t stem cell treatments part of mainstream medicine?

Stem Cells Unavailable In The United States

In my opinion, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is slow-walking a potential cure for too many ailments to list.

Currently, you have to leave the country to get access to most forms of stem cells. Which is insane.

It’s also why I’d like to offer you an overview of new products and therapies, such as stem cells—therapies that can drastically improve your existence.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

Your Body Is A Bio Organic Electrical Circuit


Recently, I attended the annual A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Your Body Is A Bio Organic Electrical Circuit

Founded in 1992, A4M is an international organization dedicated to deep research and education into longevity, holistic medicine, and metabolic resistance.

At this year’s conference, I tested a new device based on Tesla coils.

This device recognizes that the human body is a bioorganic electrical circuit without getting too deep in the weeds.

Energy flows through our bodies, and wherever it gets impeded, congested, or stopped, we experience disease.

“Just touch the device,” said the person showing it off.

I did as they asked.

Mind you, this person knew nothing whatsoever about my medical history.

Imagine my shock when they said, “Aha. You’ve got some scarring around your gallbladder.”

I think I just stared at them. “Right. I had my gallbladder removed a few years back.”

This person kept checking their readouts. “And it looks like, at one point, you ruptured your L4 L5 S1…”

Your Body Is A Bio Organic Electrical Circuit

“Sciatica!” I confirmed. “But how did you know that?”

“It’s the device. In a nutshell, it measures sugar volumes in various parts of the body, which in turn causes inflammation and can cause or indicate the presence of disease.”

I’ve studied sugar’s effects on the body for nearly 30 years.

Suffice it to say we had lots to talk about, especially when the topic of conversation turned to stem cells.

Everyone I spoke to at A4M agreed with my premise.

Stem cells are the future of medicine.

They don’t give a rat’s ass where your -itis is or what caused the inflammation.

They treat it. How? By dissolving the presence of sugar. End of story.

If you’d like to know more about this breakthrough therapy—and others—stop by my website,

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Devices

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Devices

Recently, I attended the annual A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

One of my favorite booths was for a company called Medwatch.

They manufacture the next wave of non-invasive glucose monitoring devices.

If I ate an apple, their products could quickly note the spike in my blood sugar—assuming I was epigenetically prone to such spikes.

Great things will come from this, I assure you.

It’s my position that so many of our currently common ailments are caused by our cultural addiction to sugar.

But with products like this on the market, anyone can get a fast, direct, and accurate count of how much sugar they have in their system.

We can use that information to stamp out diseases before they get serious.

There were plenty of other inventions on display at this year’s A4M.

like a set of glasses from a company called Blink, which can scan the anterior aspect of your eyes to diagnose up to 30 diseases.

Imagine diagnosing diseases just by donning a pair of glasses!

That’s the world I want you to enter … while I act as your guide.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

One way you can do this is to enroll in my Urban Carnivore course, where I will give you an overview of new products and therapies like the ones I cite above to improve your existence drastically.

How Does China Decrease Incidents of Diabetes?

How Does China Decrease Incidents of Diabetes?

Around 1981, I founded the Wound Care Center at a hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona, which is now called Honor Health.

I’d been working rather intensely with the diabetes community.

A few years later, I visited Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, to discuss diabetes among the Chinese population.

Invited by Dr. Hsu, a medical doctor with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology also, we traded many ideas and techniques for treating diabetes.

Interestingly enough China didn’t have nearly as many diabetics as we had in America.

Later during that trip, Dr. Hsu took me to a banquet, as a way to honor their guests.

Does China decrease incidents of diabetes?

At one point during this banquet, I pushed back from the table, quite pleased with the food, and ask

“What’s for dessert?” 

Members of the wait staff had no idea what I was talking about. “What is this ‘dessert’?” they asked.

“You know,” I said. “Something sweet to top off the meal.”

They went back and scoured their kitchen and brought me a bowl of coconut water. It was the sweetest thing they could find.

Aha, I thought. Now this is informative.

Of course, the Chinese have decreased incidences of diabetes.

Overall, their diet—at that point—featured far fewer sugar-rich foods.

Whereas the typical American diet was and is chock full of products made with high-fructose corn syrup.

High-fructose corn syrup is a form of sugar that supposedly makes food tastier. When, in fact, it makes us sicker and sicker.

Regardless of which disease you’re thinking of—from autism to Alzheimer’s—the key culprit is sugar.

The science of epigenetics has proven this.

I’d be pleased to tell you more about my research in this crucial area.

For now, however, I urge you: if you want to get and stay healthy, cut all unnecessary sugar out of your diet!