Fruit The Sweet Misconception

There are countless weight loss theories out there. Sadly, most don’t hold water.

Discover the sweet misconception of fruit.

One popular myth is incredibly misleading:

“To lose weight, ditch meat for fruits and veggies!”

Let’s set the record straight. Fruit means fructose, which is sugar. And sugar leads to weight gain.

Historically, fruit consumption was a survival tactic. Post-hibernation, our ancestors used it to regain lost weight quickly.

The fruit was beneficial in desperate times, providing fast energy and helping pack pounds when needed.

But long-term fruit consumption wasn’t the plan. Our bodies were built for meat.

Studies of Australopithecus afarensis, a 3.2-million-year-old ancestor, confirm this. They were carnivores, just like us.

I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, a peripheral nerve surgeon and author of “Sugar Crush.”

For insights on achieving optimal health, visit Let’s embrace our carnivorous heritage for a healthier life.