Sugar Causes Poor Eyesight

Yes, this is true.

Medical authorities in mainland China have stated that 90% of their population is myopic.

This means their eyes don’t work correctly anymore.

How can such a shocking statistic be accurate? I have an answer, but you’ll probably not like it.

Over recent years, mainland China has been hit by a tsunami of cultural change.

Industrialized fast food restaurants have taken over, flooding the populace with high fructose corn syrups, which erode the human central nervous system.

However, at the same time, Chinese youth have stayed indoors and stared at video screens.

Weakening the motor nerves surrounding the eyes.

It simultaneously mechanically changes the shape of the eyes, so they go from a round shape, like a basketball, to an oblong shape, like a football.

A different shape forces the eye to have a distinct focal point, destroying its capability to view objects optimally.

Now ask yourself this: do you think this same syndrome is happening here, in the U.S.?

Sugar Causes Poor Eyesight

So, at the very least, kick your sugar addiction.

How do you do it? What are the multiple benefits this will confer upon you?

Find out by visiting my website,

If you’re currently suffering from persistent chronic ailments, please hurry.

Your pain can likely be alleviated by making some simple modifications.