Ben Franklin, Biochemistry, and How Sugar is Killing Your Body

Ben Franklin, biochemistry, and how sugar is killing your body.

During the mid-1960s, I was enamored of Benjamin Franklin.

Still am.

Franklin founded so many fine institutions, including our country’s first hospital in Philadelphia, 1751.

While studying at the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, I used to visit Franklin’s library, which was right across the street.

I also did research work for Dr. Michael Shef, an English medical doctor who had a PhD in biochemistry.

Shef had been the research assistant for James Watson and Francis Crick, who won the Nobel Prize for their studies in DNA.

Dr. Shef and I used to talk for hours about DNA.

It was easy enough to imagine that we were scientists, just like Ben Franklin, probing the truths of the human body.

Dr. Shef’s chief field of study was a disease called phenylketonuria, better known as PKU.

A patient with PKU has a build up of amino acids in their body.

As the acids build up, they cause problems—everything from seizures to diabetes to bad breath.

Many years later, I discovered a similar relationship between sugar and various diseases.

My grandfather, a very fit man and an excellent athlete, used to rail about the problems sugar caused in human beings.

Then, one day, I happened to meet Dr. Lee Dellon an MD and PhD from Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Dellon showed me first hand how to cure diabetic neuropathy using surgery to decompress the peripheral nerves in a patient’s body.

This flew in the face of everything modern medicine espoused at that point.

But it worked.

What I’m trying to say is that our bodies were never designed to consume as much sugar as most people do these days.

The sugar in most people’s diets is the source of many persistent ailments.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m the author of “Sugar Crush,” which explains all my research.

My interest is to get you back on track to healthier living.

They Used to Bleed Patients to Cure Their Diseases

They used to bleed patients to cure their diseases.

I attended the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine.

It’s across the street from the first hospital in the United States, built by Ben Franklin in 1751.

Franklin’s library is still in that building—his desk, his books, his notebooks. All there.

Back in the late 1960s, I used to go there to study. It was so peaceful and quiet.

I learned that Franklin was a big fan of bloodletting.

Back then, bloodletting was the go-to practice for medical doctors.

If a patient had a fever or an infection or some other malady, doctors would open a vein and literally bleed them to heal them.

Did it work?

In a way.

Letting out blood from a veins will lower a person’s blood pressure. This gives the illusion of healing but it’s not an enlightened process.

Ben Franklin thought it was genius. It was one of his inspirations for building the hospital.

Today,we’d call bloodletting dangerous, stupid, naive, and insane.

I think about this when I consider how most of the medical industry treats the consumption of sugar.

Over the past 20-plus years, I’ve researched how a diet rich in sugar causes all sorts of maladies.




Chronic inflammation.

Mood swings.

Energy fluctuations.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m the author of the book “Sugar Crush.”

If you suffer from ailments your doctors can’t diagnose, read it. Then please get in touch.

A Basketball Star Convinced Me to Become a Podiatrista doctor changed my life by showing me diabetes causes peripheral nerve compression.

A basketball star convinced me to become a podiatrist.

It was the mid- to late-1960s.

The Vietnam War was heating up fast and young men my age were getting drafted.

“Not me,” my friend said. He was a basketball superstar.

“My dad’s a podiatrist and I’ve always wanted to do that. So I’m going to podiatry school. It’s a good way to get a deferment.”

“What’s a deferment?” I said.

He shot me a look. “Deferred military service? If you stay in school, you don’t have to go overseas.”

That sounded good to me.

Plus, the more my friend described it, podiatry sounded like a noble pursuit.

And so, as my time at Villanova drew to a close, I applied to the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. And got accepted.

Later in life, I became interested in tracing the biochemical roots of diabetic neuropathy.

Which led me to conclude that so many diseases—migraine headaches, spikes in energy, rashes, fatigue, digestive problems—are caused by compression of the peripheral nerves.

Which, in turn, is often caused by a diet rich in sugar.

I wrote about this in my book “Sugar Crush.”

But I don’t want to spoil that for you.

For now, if you’re interested, keep reading my posts.

I’ll tell you a bit more about it.

Or, if you’d like to ask me questions, I’d be happy to answer them as best I can.

A Doctor Changed My Life by Showing Me Diabetes Causes Peripheral Nerve Compression

A doctor once changed my life by showing me that diabetes causes peripheral nerve compression.

I’ll never forget the day I met Dr. Lee Dellon.

He was giving a lecture on what, at the time, was his novel approach to decompress nerves of the lower extremities.

He described research he’d performed on laboratory rats, all of which concluded that diabetic neuropathy is really neuropathy caused by compression of the peripheral nerves.

Back in 1984, when he published his first paper, this was a controversial idea.

After the lecture, I went up and introduced myself.

I was fascinated by Dr. Dellon’s.

He invited me to read a textbook he’d written on the subject, then to visit him at Johns Hopkins where he would explain his theory further.

In Baltimore, I scrubbed in with Dr. Dellon and watched him perform nerve decompression surgery.

Importantly, he performed this procedure using 3.5 magnification.

Without proper magnification during surgery, you simply have no idea what Dr. Dellon is talking about. However, with proper magnification, it’s clear as day.

I could see the nerve compression with my own eyes, and the only possible cause for such compression was the patient’s abuse of sugar.

That was a seminal moment for me.

When I got back to my home in Scottsdale, Arizona, I co-founded the Wound Management Center and soon began doing these surgeries on my own patients. To great success.

If you want to know more about how sugar causes all sorts of diseases—headaches, lethargy, mood swings, rashes, digestive issues, and more—pick up my book, “Sugar Crush.”

Or ask me questions here. I’ll be happy to answer them

1.5 Million Legs Can be Saved from Aputation

1.5 Million Legs Can be Saved from Amputation

“Janet, I’m sorry,” I told my patient. “We might have to amputate your leg. Unless …”

I described the new procedure I’d learned.

Janet was then in a wheelchair.

A severe diabetic, she’d already lost several toes to multiple amputations.

Her twin sister had passed away from complications related to the disease.

She agreed to let me perform the procedure.

The next time I saw her was three months after the surgery.

Janet wasn’t in a wheelchair, she was walking. And one of her arms was a sling.

“Janet!” I said. “What happened?”

“Oh, I just got back from vacation,” she said. “My husband took me to Hawaii.”

I think I just stared at her. “Why is your arm in a sling.”

“I was climbing some lava rocks. I slipped and I fell and broke my arm.” She smiled. “Want to thank you for that.”

That was one of the most amazing moments of my career.

Since then, I’ve done thousands of cases with similar results.

So why are we amputating the legs of approximately 1.5 million diabetic patients a year?

I’ll explore the answer to that question in future posts.

For now, I hope this story has made you curious.

Not everything you’ve been told about certain diseases is strictly true.

I talk about the profound impact that dietary sugar abuse can make in my book, “Sugar Crush.”

If you haven’t read it, pick up a copy.

If you’ve read it and you have questions, please reach out.