Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat

Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat

I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health advocate, and author of the book “Sugar Crush.”

One of my most significant stances is that the food industry has lied to us.

It wants us to eat tons of sugar, which I know for a fact causes terrible diseases.

When instead, we should be eating the way our prehistoric ancestors ate.

In other words, we should eat plenty of meat and leafy green vegetables.

People always tell me, “But meat’s too expensive to eat!”

Is it?

I recently went to my market here in Scottsdale, Arizona, and bought a one-pound filet of good beef.

Which cost me about $34.

I took it home and cooked half the filet for the one meal I have every day.

Only half. And I didn’t even finish that half.

I ate the rest the following day with two eggs.

The total cost of my food for that day? I’d say about $10.

Prehistoric Lifestyle: Eat More Meat

And here’s the trick: my cholesterol levels are acceptable, my triglycerides are significant, and I’m getting my vitamins.

What I’m not getting is … drum roll, please … sugar.

Pound after pound of nerve-corroding, fat-inducing sugar.

I talk about the biochemistry behind this phenomenon at length in my new online course, Urban Carnivore.

You can find that course on my website,

My goal in offering this course is to get you as healthy as possible.

To live longer while enjoying happier days.

What you hear me say might shock you because it defies how you’ve been taught.

But give it a try, and I think you’ll see that it makes all the difference in your physical and mental well-being.


The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

Truth Behind Modern Medicine

Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’ve spent over 50 years in medicine, which gives me a unique perspective. Here’s the hard truth:

Doctors don’t primarily focus on healthcare. We’re more about fixing what’s already broken.

This isn’t about blaming doctors. It’s about the system.

The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

After decades of treating diabetes complications, I’ve seen the power of prevention firsthand.

And I’m not talking about a slight difference. Prevention can change everything.

In my view, medicine should have two main branches. The first, the traditional branch, fixes lifestyle-induced problems.

The second, newer branch should teach us how to avoid getting sick.

Lately, I’ve been leaning towards prevention. It’s incredible how diet changes can keep you out of the hospital.

Want to learn more? Check out my website,

My urban carnivore course might transform your life. It focuses on cutting sugar and boosting natural energy.

People who’ve followed my advice often see chronic illnesses disappear.

Don’t just take my word for it. Experience the change.

Here’s to your health and happiness!