Stem cellsare one of the most confusing subjects in most people’s minds.
People constantly ask me: What are stem cells? How do they work? Why do they work? Why can’t we get them? What is the big mystery?
Who Is Hiding The Truth About Stem Cells?
Stem cellsare organic material that’s passed down from one generation to the next.
Yet, everyone has stem cells in their bones, fat, and teeth; they’re a naturally occurring substance.
Unfortunately, over time, we lose the amount of stem cellsin our bodies.
When most people reach total growth—at age 20, on average—they have about 100% of the stem cells they were born with.
By the time most people reach 50, they’ve lost about 90% of their stem cells.
However, there’s good news.
Prenatal stem cells, which are some of the best for healing purposes, can be harvested from substances like amniotic fluid, Wharton’s Jelly, and the umbilical cord.
These are all other afterbirth products, meaning they’re ejected from the mother once the fetus is born.
Who Is Hiding The Truth About Stem Cells?
That’s about as short-sighted as throwing out bricks of gold because you don’t know which room in your house you should keep them in.
When used allogeneically, stem cells hold the key to healing many diseases.
In this case, allegorically means that the stem cells were harvested from one person and applied as healing agents to another person.
Now, back in 2003, Senator John McCain held a U.S. Senate hearing on the many uses of stem cells.
The conclusion of that hearing was senators calling stem cells “a miracle.”
So why have twenty years passed, and they’re still considered off-limits for healing diseases?
Something is wrong, and it’s time we got answers to simple, direct questions.
Write to your senators today and ask why stem cells are banned in many therapeutic use cases.
In my opinion, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is slow-walking a potential cure for too many ailments to list.
Currently, you have to leave the country to get access to most forms of stem cells. Which is insane.
It’s also why I’d like to offer you an overview of new products and therapies, such as stem cells—therapies that can drastically improve your existence.
My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.
I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”
Stop by my website at
I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.
Does sugar cause Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis?
People always ask me why I say autism, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and diabetic neuropathy are the same disease.
You’d understand my thinking if you’d studied these diseases under a microscope, as I have, at the Mayo Clinic.
A lot of it boils down to epigenetics.
The science of epigenetics covers changes that occur in an organism due to a modification of gene expression rather than a change in the actual genetic code.
Everyone’s genome is unique to them. Without epigenetics, we’d all be precisely the same.
However, with epigenetics, one person might develop gallbladder disease while another develops multiple sclerosis.
Or autism.
Or whatever.
We call these diseases different names, but they always arise from the same thing.
Each disease is caused by inflammation of the nerves.
And inflammation of the nerves is caused by sugar.
Sugar is the root cause of disease.
Here’s an analogy I like to use.
Think of automobile accidents.
They may occur at different intersections, at other times, with various people driving the cars.
But they’re still automobile accidents.
That’s why you must cut all unnecessary sugar from your diet.