Eat Like A Urban Carnivore

Eat Like A Urban Carnivore

I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health advocate, and author of the critically acclaimed book Sugar Crush.

For the past more than 50 years, I’ve treated diabetic patients.

It’s often been my sad duty to amputate toes, feet, and legs as their disease progresses.

I remember once, I had a patient walk into my office in terrible shape.

He weighed 300 pounds, and his Body Mass Index was way over 30, which meant he was technically obese.

We were going over his health profile.

“How’s your diet?” I asked.

“Pretty good,” he said. “I don’t eat a lot of red meat.”

He said this proudly.

I just shook my head.

Because what he didn’t know—and what you might not know—is that a lot of the research that promotes the theory that red meat is terrible for us …

… is funded by Big Agriculture and Big Pharma.

Both institutions have vested interests in keeping you away from healthy foods.

The truth is that we are descended from ancestors whose bodies were built to consume proteins.

They were NOT built to consume ridiculous quantities of sugar, such as those found in carbohydrates …

Grains, fruits, vegetables, and all the other so-called “essential” foods listed on the modern “food pyramid.”

If you want to get healthy, alleviate chronic disease, and lead the longest, happiest life possible, I advocate eating like an urban carnivore.

You can learn more about my theories and research at

Once you stop eating sugar, you’ll probably find—as so many of my students and followers do—that the world opens up to you.

You feel better than you have in years.

And why? Because you cut sugar out of your diet and eat like you were made to.

How Are Your Eating Habits?

How Are Your Eating Habits?

Your Eating Habits Are Probably Killing You Slowly Right at This Moment

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health activist, and author of the critically acclaimed book Sugar Crush.

Recently, I walked through a grocery store trailing a woman who was doing her shopping.

She wasn’t aware that I was following her or that I stopped to read the label on every item she put in her cart.

What I saw shocked me, and I was someone who knew what to expect.

Everything she wanted to eat contained pound after pound of sugar.

For instance, one item contained 24 grams of carbohydrates.

This boils down to simple math.

Carbohydrates are sugars, and you can calculate how much sugar a quantity of carbohydrates contains by dividing by 4:

24 divided by 4 = 6 grams of sugar.

The proper amount of sugar most people should consume daily is about 4 grams.

So already, meaning with just one item, this woman was over her daily allotment.

And believe me, she had a lot more items to go.

The exciting end to this story?

Once the woman had finished her food shopping, she went straight to the back of the store, where the pharmacy was.

She presented a flurry of prescriptions for diabetes, high blood pressure, statins to control cholesterol, you name it.

All I could do was shake my head.

We’ve created a culture that medicates us against the very lifestyle that’s causing us disease in the first place.

If that’s not insanity, I don’t know what is.

In my new online course, Urban Carnivore, I teach people how to escape this vicious circle.

If you want to live a longer, happier, healthier life, visit

It’s time you lived the life you want so badly.

The Truth About Stem Cells

The Truth About Stem Cells 

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, health advocate, and the author of “Sugar Crush,” a book about our current addiction to sugar.

I’m also a huge proponent of stem cell therapies.

Back in roughly the year 2000, the use of stem cells from aborted fetuses (which I think is what they’re upset about) was banned in the U.S. for ethical reasons.

However, allogeneic stem cells can still be harvested from human afterbirths, like the placenta and the umbilical cord.

(Amniotic fluid also holds stem cells, but the FDA recently considered amniotic fluid to be secretion.

It, therefore, will undergo testing for many years.)

The upshot of all this is that stem cells have shown to be incredibly useful in treating various diseases.

Unfortunately, you often have to go outside the United States for these treatments.


In 2000, Senator John McCain of Arizona held a stem cell summit for the United States Senate.

Experts presented evidence of how stem cells work, why they work, what uses they can be put to, and how to harvest them ethically.

The senators who attended that conference left calling stem cells “a miracle.”

I agree, which is why I discuss stem cells so much in my online course, The Urban Carnivore.

If you’re looking for simple, powerful ways to live a longer, happier, healthier life, look no further than Urban Carnivore.

You can find this course on my website, drjacoby. academy.

It’s time you took back control of your health and lived the life you deserve.

The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

Truth Behind Modern Medicine

Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’ve spent over 50 years in medicine, which gives me a unique perspective. Here’s the hard truth:

Doctors don’t primarily focus on healthcare. We’re more about fixing what’s already broken.

This isn’t about blaming doctors. It’s about the system.

The Truth Behind Modern Medicine

After decades of treating diabetes complications, I’ve seen the power of prevention firsthand.

And I’m not talking about a slight difference. Prevention can change everything.

In my view, medicine should have two main branches. The first, the traditional branch, fixes lifestyle-induced problems.

The second, newer branch should teach us how to avoid getting sick.

Lately, I’ve been leaning towards prevention. It’s incredible how diet changes can keep you out of the hospital.

Want to learn more? Check out my website,

My urban carnivore course might transform your life. It focuses on cutting sugar and boosting natural energy.

People who’ve followed my advice often see chronic illnesses disappear.

Don’t just take my word for it. Experience the change.

Here’s to your health and happiness!

Fasting Roles In Weight Loss

Fasting Roles In Weight Loss

Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby. As a health advocate and author, I often discuss fasting’s role in weight loss.

Many wonder if fasting is healthy. My short answer? Yes, if done correctly.

Let’s look back 3.2 million years.

Our ancestor, Australopithecus afarensis (or Lucy), lived without regular meals.

Lucy was a carnivore. She ate irregularly, adapting her body to periods without food.

Fasting Roles In Weight Loss

Carnivores like Lucy broke down meat into ketones, not glucose. Ketones and glucose affect our bodies differently.

Unlike today’s high-sugar diets, our bodies were designed for low-sugar diets.

Excess sugar, including carbohydrates and high fructose corn syrup, is a primary cause of many diseases.

Eating over 4 grams of sugar a day can damage your nerves. This has been scientifically verified.

The consequences? Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, and autism, to name a few.

Want to eat healthier and live a disease-free life? Visit

Let’s debunk myths about achieving optimal health. Join me in learning how to be your best self.