Gain Better Sight By Eliminating Sugar

Myopia is a medical condition that most people call nearsightedness.

People with myopia can see small objects up close very clearly.

Faraway objects, however, tend to look blurry.

Medically speaking, the reason for this is a change in the shape of the eye.

Usually, eyes are relatively spherical and shaped like a basketball.

Myopic eyes, however, are more oblong, like a football.

Gain Better Sight By Eliminating Sugar

What causes this change in the shape of the eye? What causes myopia?

There are many causes, but one of the little-known causes is right in front of our faces.

I believe that our new culture of staring at screens right in front of our faces, combined with a diet rich in sugar, is what’s causing the myopia epidemic.

Recently, medical authorities in China announced that 90% of their mainland population is myopic.

That’s astonishing! How can it be?

Consider the recent dual explosions in Chinese technological culture and fast food diets rich in high-fructose corn syrup.

What’s another culture that’s recently experienced dual explosions in technological culture and fast food diets rich in high-fructose corn syrup?

Oh right. That’s us. The United States.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m one of the world’s preeminent peripheral nerve surgeons.

If you’re suffering from myopia or any chronic ailment your doctors say they can’t seem to get their arms around I hope you’ll visit my website.

I want to teach you why and how you should kick your addiction to sugar.

It’s the one, simple move that could lead to you having a longer, healthier, happier life.

Sugar Causes Poor Eyesight

Sugar Causes Poor Eyesight

Yes, this is true.

Medical authorities in mainland China have stated that 90% of their population is myopic.

This means their eyes don’t work correctly anymore.

How can such a shocking statistic be accurate? I have an answer, but you’ll probably not like it.

Over recent years, mainland China has been hit by a tsunami of cultural change.

Industrialized fast food restaurants have taken over, flooding the populace with high fructose corn syrups, which erode the human central nervous system.

However, at the same time, Chinese youth have stayed indoors and stared at video screens.

Weakening the motor nerves surrounding the eyes.

It simultaneously mechanically changes the shape of the eyes, so they go from a round shape, like a basketball, to an oblong shape, like a football.

A different shape forces the eye to have a distinct focal point, destroying its capability to view objects optimally.

Now ask yourself this: do you think this same syndrome is happening here, in the U.S.?

Sugar Causes Poor Eyesight

So, at the very least, kick your sugar addiction.

How do you do it? What are the multiple benefits this will confer upon you?

Find out by visiting my website,

If you’re currently suffering from persistent chronic ailments, please hurry.

Your pain can likely be alleviated by making some simple modifications.

Sugar Plus Trauma Equals Nerve Dysfunction


Sugar Plus Trauma Equals Nerve Dysfunction

Did people work harder or less hard at manual labor back in the early 1900s?

Undoubtedly, they worked harder at manual labor.

People didn’t have automated washing machines. They had to cut their wood to heat their homes.

The list of manual laborers goes on and on.

So why does no one have carpal tunnel syndrome?

How come, back in the 1960s, there were only twelve cases of carpal tunnel syndrome reported?

How come last year, we saw 500,000 cases reported?

People say, “Oh, it’s because we’re using computers so much, the keyboards are doing it.”


After thirty years of studying the matter, I’ve concluded it’s not your computer keyboard doing the damage.

It’s the can of Coke most people keep beside it.

Here’s the simple equation I want you to remember: sugar plus trauma equals nerve dysfunction.

And nerve dysfunction can manifest itself as any number of ailments.

Diabetic neuropathy. Multiple sclerosis. Autism. Alzheimer’s. The list goes on.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m regarded as one of the most preeminent peripheral nerve surgeons worldwide.

And I hope to make you healthy again by helping you kick the habit of the primary addiction that’s hurting you: sugar.

If you’re interested in hearing more, please join me at

I’ll teach you how to become what I call an urban carnivore: an animal that eats what nature intended it to … rather than what food companies want you to.

If you’re suffering from persistent chronic ailments you can’t seem to get your arms around, I especially hope that you’ll visit.

It would be my great pleasure to help you get healthy again.

One Cure For Autoimmune Diseases

The One Cure for Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases come in many different flavors.

There’s lupus, type one diabetes, Crohn’s disease … the list goes on.

We call them “autoimmune” diseases because, in every case, the body attacks itself, regardless of the flavor.

You might ask yourself, “Why does it do that?”

In my opinion, it boils down to one factor: sugar.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

I’ve spent years studying how society’s current addiction to sugar is causing untold numbers of diseases.

Here’s how:

Eating more than a teaspoon of sugar a day causes an inflammatory chemical reaction in human tissues.

This is well documented.

Every person’s epigenetic profile is different from everyone else’s.

This explains why some people develop cancer from secondhand smoke, and some don’t.

Why some people are prone to get sinus infections, and some aren’t.

It also explains how one person’s body might concentrate a sugar-induced inflammation in the skin cells … in which case they might get psoriasis.

Another person might experience complications with the Vagus nerve that result in scarring of the brain and spinal cord or multiple sclerosis.

The current medical practice treats disease allopathically, meaning with drugs, radiation, and surgery.

One Cure For Autoimmune Diseases

But there are plenty of other approaches that could work, and one of them is shaking your system free from its addiction to sugar.

I’ve had phenomenal success taking this approach with patients who suffer from all sorts of ailments.

To receive an overview of new products and therapies that can drastically improve your existence, please visit my website:

Here’s to you living a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

Recently, a patient of mine told me she was putting one of her parents on a new medication for Alzheimer’s disease.

However, before she even mentioned the medication, I was deeply underwhelmed. 

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

The medication in question represents the pinnacle of decades’ worth of research and comes with a host of potentially drastic side effects.

Yet, this new medication only delivers up to a ten percent reduction in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

I was particularly offended to read about this medication when I knew very well that a much better cure already exists for Alzheimer’s and plenty of other diseases.

A Cure With Zero Side Effects

A few of us who have experimented with it understand that this simple cure can treat dozens, if not hundreds, of diseases.

It has zero side effects—you read that right, zero side effects. And what is this cure, you ask?

Stem cells

My new book, “Unglued,” covers the subject of stem cells extensively.

Dr. Richard Jacoby is known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.  So, please. Visit my website: