What Causes Diabetes?

What Causes Diabetes?

In my view, the cause of diabetes is painfully simple.The cause is sugar, and my research bears this out.
There’s just too much sugar in our diets these days.

Everything we eat processed has the nutrients stripped out, and sugar becomes the replacement.

We should consume meat and leafy green vegetables.

What Causes Diabetes?

In addition, you will notice astonishing health changes once you revert to what many people today see as a relatively spartan diet of meat and leafy green vegetables.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m a podiatrist and one of the foremost peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

My book—indeed my entire life’s work—explores how sugar has taken over our diets.
I’ve seen that it’s time to immediately cut sugar from our diets!

What is more important, especially true for people whose bodies are epigenetically prone to express insulin insecurities.
The results can be deadly when coupled with the massive sugar in our modern diet.

Furthermore, there’s hope!

I hope you’ll check out the course.

Again, it’s called The Urban Carnivore, and you can find it on my website, drjacoby.academy.

Here’s to your health and well-being.

Treat Diseases Before Symptoms Manifest

Treat Diseases Before Symptoms Manifest

It’s one of those things I’ll never understand about our current medical landscape.

Insurance companies only pay doctors to treat diseases post-symptomatically.

Meaning after they arise.

Which is ridiculous, sort of like shutting the barn door after the cows have all wandered out and got lost.

Wouldn’t it be better if we could treat certain diseases proactively, meaning before they manifest symptoms?

Whenever I propose this, people ask, “Well, how can we know a disease will strike before it strikes?”

The answer is modern technology.

For instance, the model used to be that insurance companies only paid for people to get glucose monitoring devices after they’d been diagnosed by a physician as being diabetic.

Nowadays, new technologies allow anyone to monitor their glucose levels.

And that’s very important because I think what we eat today is a lot of sugar.

Too much sugar.

And this excess sugar is causing a lot of what we see today as chronic diseases running rampant in our population.

Imagine being able to treat patients for diabetes before the disease manifests itself.

Sounds exciting.

Well, believe it or not, that day has arrived.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m a podiatrist and one of the foremost peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush.”

My book—indeed my entire life’s work—explores how sugar has taken over our diets.

Therefore, it’s time to cut sugar out of our diets immediately!

To help you do this, I’ve created a new online course called The Urban Carnivore.

You can find it on my website: drjacoby.academy.

I hope you’ll check it out.

Here’s to your longer, happier, healthier life.

Nerve Dysfunction Connected To Sugar

Nerve Dysfunction Connected To Sugar

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m a podiatrist and one of the foremost peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush.

My book—indeed my entire life’s work—explores how sugar has taken over our diets and now causes dozens of chronic diseases.

Like carpal tunnel syndrome, for instance.

My theory, based on exhaustive research with noted scientists/physicians from Johns Hopkins and Stanford Universities, boils down to the following equation:

Trauma + Sugar = Nerve Dysfunction

I’ve already written extensively about the chemical reaction sugar causes in bodies.

Nerve Dysfunction Connected To Sugar

When we eat too much sugar, the sheathing surrounding our nerves shrinks, compressing the nerves themselves.

At the same time, the sugar bloats or expands the nerves, further complicating their compression against the sheathing.

Both reactions cut off blood supply to the nerves, which in turn cuts off sensation, causing debilitation: weakness.

When expressed in the upper extremities—arms—and the median nerve in the wrist, this chronic debilitation can manifest itself as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Trauma + Sugar = Nerve Dysfunction

Therefore, it’s time to cut sugar out of our diets immediately!

To help you do this, I’ve created a new online course called The Urban Carnivore.

You can find it on my website: drjacoby.academy.

I hope you’ll check it out.

Here’s to your longer, happier, healthier life.

Excessive Sugar Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Excessive Sugar Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The answer is yes.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby, and I’m a podiatrist and one of the foremost peripheral nerve surgeons in the world.

I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed book, “Sugar Crush,” which talks about how sugar has taken over our diets and now causes dozens of chronic diseases.

Sugar is a chemical, so when we overeat sugar, the sheathing surrounding our nerves shrinks, compressing the nerves themselves.

At the same time, the sugar bloats or expands the nerves, further complicating their compression against the sheathing.

Both reactions cut off blood supply to the nerves, which in turn cuts off sensation, causing debilitation: weakness.

When expressed in the upper extremities—arms—and the median nerve in the wrist, this chronic debilitation can manifest itself as carpal tunnel syndrome.

But it doesn’t stop there.

When expressed in the ulnar nerve of the elbow, you get pain and weakness.

You get pain and weakness when expressed in the common peroneal nerve of the legs.

When expressed in the olfactory or hypoglossal nerves, we see symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

And so on.

Excessive Sugar Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

In short, many diseases we take for granted have the exact root cause.

And that cause is sugar.

Therefore, it’s time to cut sugar out of our diets immediately!

To help you do this, I’ve created a new online course called The Urban Carnivore.

You can find it on my website: drjacoby.academy.

I hope you’ll check it out.

Here’s to your longer, happier, healthier life.

Become Un-Glued From Sugar

Become Un-Glued From Sugar

Do you wonder why you’re sick?

All those chips you’re eating, the Cokes you’re drinking, the snacks you have at your disposal, the coffee, the whipped cream, and sugar as you drink and drive?

Un-glue from sugar and start to live a healthier lifestyle.

I’m telling you, that’s what’s making you sick. It’s not fat, it’s sugar, and in my academy,

I will tell you how to get off those products, and I’ll explain the details behind this phenomenon in my new book, Un-Glued.