Diabetics May Not Have Been Told the Whole Truth

Diabetics May Not Have Been Told the Whole Truth.

If you have diabetes, you’ll want to listen closely to what I say next.

Look, I know what your doctors have told you.

There’s no cure for diabetes. Take a statin drug. Stay on it for the rest of your life.

After studying with Dr. Lee Dellon of Johns Hopkins University, I understood that this so-called “common wisdom” might be anything but.

I confirmed this opinion after collaborating with Dr. John Cooke, who invited me to work with him at Stanford University.

I asserted that Dr. Dellon’s theory for treating diabetic neuropathy had further and more profound implications.

We knew then that a diabetic’s sugar imbalance could damage peripheral nerves by causing compression in the nerve tunnels. This leads to peripheral neuropathy.

What I suspected, however, is that this sugar imbalance—which almost everyone has these days. We all overeat sugar—it was causing other diseases, as well.

For instance, problems with the hypoglossal nerve connected to the tongue can cause speech delays.

Speech delays are another type of neuropathy.

In some cases, this speech delay equates to symptoms we currently place on the autism scale.

For just a moment, imagine what this means.

Imagine a world where the chief pandemic plaguing humankind isn’t COVID-19 or anything similar.

No, in this particular world, the primary cause of so much human suffering … is sugar.

I’ve studied biology, chemistry, embryology, and other sciences with world leaders.

A number of them concur with me.

They agree that the sugar currently in our diets—in many cases foisted upon us by food conglomerates to make food “taste better”—is harming us worse than we know.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’ve dedicated my life to this study, and I want to tell you as much about it as you can stand to hear.

Who knows? It might just save your life.

Health Healing Secrets Russian Doctors Know


Recently, I attended the annual A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Founded in 1992, A4M is an international organization dedicated to deep research and education into longevity, holistic medicine, and metabolic resistance.

At this year’s conference, I met a bunch of former Russian doctors.

Health Healing Secrets Russian Doctors Know

In the early 1990s, these physicians fled the former Soviet Union.

They were passionate about healing but weren’t able to pursue their agendas.

The Communist government forced them to toe the line.

“Well, then. How do you find things here in the United States?” I asked.

They all looked at each other, chagrined.

Because, as they carefully explained to me, conditions here in America aren’t much better than what they faced overseas.

“There’s a medical establishment here in the United States,” they said. “Insurance companies, regulatory bodies, government agencies, the AMA.”

The way they ticked off these names made it clear:

These establishments are less about finding new cures for disease and more about finding ways to profit … sometimes off the disease itself.

Health Healing Secrets Russian Doctors Know

Take the current American model that pushes allopathic medicine.

Under this system, disease and the symptoms of disease are treated with drugs, radiation, and surgery.

Applying a surgical model to every type of disease invokes Abraham Maslow’s Law of Instrument.

“When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of so-called “alternative” therapies I’ve personally explored.

I know they work, and I understand WHY they work.

If you want to live a happier, healthier, longer life, please visit my website, www.drjacoby.academy.

Through my course books and personal consultations, I will be pleased to acquaint you with what’s now possible.

It’ll blow your mind!

Sugar Attracts Parasites and Bacteria


Most people know that Louis Pasteur invented the process of pasteurization back in the middle of the 19th century.

Pasteur looked under his microscope and saw germs—parasites, bacteria, and amoebas—doing things he thought could harm human health.

To kill these bugs, he invented a process of heating liquids and food, such as dairy products.

Sugar Attracts Parasites and Bacteria

Unfortunately, a by-product of pasteurization is that the healthy proteins these liquids and foods contain are also destroyed.

As it turns out, Pasteur had a scientific rival, another Frenchman named Antoine Béchamp.

Béchamp saw things differently than Pasteur did and proposed the Terrain Theory.

To Béchamp, germs weren’t a problem that had to be killed off. They were simply a part of the world, the way a hill, river, or field is part of the terrain.

He argued that these germs serve a valuable purpose because they challenge us biologically to increase our host resistance, the barriers we erect to keep these germs from infecting our bodies.

Today, I would argue that sugar is one of the critical attractors for harmful germs.

Sugar attracts parasites, bacteria, and amoebas that hope to feed on that sugar and thrive.

Just look at what happened with COVID-19.

Some of the people who got sickest and died from that virus were people ridden with metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

In other words, their overconsumption of sugar lowered their host resistance.

I’m not saying we don’t need modern medicines to survive.

I’m arguing that we need new perspectives that can lead us to innovations.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at www.drjacoby.academy.

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

One way you can do this is to enroll in my Urban Carnivore course, where I will give you a spectrum of new therapies that can drastically improve your existence.

New Paradigm Of Medicine Extends Your Life

Recently, I attended the annual A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Founded in 1992, A4M is an international organization dedicated to deep research and education into longevity, holistic medicine, and metabolic resistance.

Back in 2011, I was invited to speak at A4M.

New Paradigm Medicine Extends Your Life

My presentation predicted that, soon, our so-called “alternative” medicines would handily outstrip government and medical establishment-approved methods.

What I saw this past year assured me my prediction was correct.

Imagine walking through booths holding products from 600 companies, all sporting mind-boggling technology.

Medwatch, for instance, developed a means for measuring glucose without having to stick a probe through your skin.

Or companies that offer capsules anyone can take to boost their immune system by releasing nitric oxide into their systems.

Or red light therapy providers.

We always knew the healing benefits of red light, but the instruments were lasers back in the day, expensive and hard to wield.

But not anymore.

Recent improvements in LED—or Light Emitting Diode—technology make red light therapy affordable for anyone.

And then there were stem cells, which I believe hold the key to so many of our current human ailments.

What does all of this mean?

The old paradigm of medicine is finished.

The new paradigm of medicine has just begun.

As part of this new paradigm, you can extend your life for much longer, as well as the quality of the life that you’ll lead, than you probably ever imagined.

As part of this movement, I offer my new book, Unglued, which reveals many secrets worth knowing.

Secrets to you living better than ever.

What Did the Ancient Greeks Know About Diabetes?

What did the ancient Greeks know about diabetes?

The official term for this disease is ‘diabetes mellitus.’

‘Diabetes’ comes to us from the Greek. The word means ‘to siphon.’

Etymologically, it couples with the Latin word ‘mellitus,’ meaning ‘sweet.’


This refers to how the disease almost literally siphons sugars out of our bodies.

How it’s caused by overeating sugar.

Patients get overloaded and have to pass their sugars through urination.

In fact, a couple of hundred years ago, doctors tested their patients by drinking their urine.

Here’s another medical term for you: diabetic polyneuropathy.

This results when sugar gets inside the body’s peripheral nerves and swells them so they compress against their channels and shut down, causing a lack of sensation.

There are some ways to address this.

But the method I do NOT address is the current fad of amputating a diabetic patient’s lower extremities.

Instead, I’d get them to cut out sugar from their diets.

As in all sugar.

Yes, even fruit.

I know how controversial this may sound, but I’ve seen this work time and again.

Modern society has been fed a big lie.

That lie is that sugar in our diets is lovely.

It’s not.

Our bodies were never designed to ingest and process so much sugar.

Sugar destroys our nerves, which in turn creates plenty of disorders, most of which are preventable.

I’ve spent my life researching this topic and helping cure patients with various chronic disorders using these methods.

If you’re interested in knowing more, it’s one of my missions in life to explain the biochemistry behind this phenomenon and hopefully save your life.

Red Light Therapy Can Extend Your Life


Recently, I returned from the A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Founded in 1992, A4M is an international organization dedicated to deep research and education into longevity, holistic medicine, and metabolic resistance.

One of the most impressive tools I saw at this year’s A4M was a new wave of red light therapy tools.

Red Light Therapy Can Extend Your Life

See, fifteen years ago, we were using expensive lasers to deliver red light therapy, which in turn led the body to release nitric oxide, which promoted healing.

I had the good fortune of working with Dr. Michael Hamblin of Harvard University, who was a pioneer in this field.

Today, we can get the same healing effect from an array of LEDs, which stand for Light Emitting Diodes.

LEDs are vastly less expensive than lasers.

The frequency of light they produce is almost precisely the same.

In both cases, red light dilates the blood vessels by influencing the endothelium, or the vessels’ lining, to produce nitric oxide.

Once released, nitric oxide reduces any inflammation it comes into contact with.

Which in turn, reduces diseases associated with inflammation of which there are far too many to list.

Red Light Therapy Can Extend Your Life

Here’s the best part:

Some of the devices I saw are available right now through vendors like Amazon.

Just think about that.

You can get this new technology—potentially life-saving technology—delivered to your doorstep with the click of a mouse or a trackpad.

I tell you the new wave of medicine is finally here, and it’s going to be great for all of us.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at www.drjacoby.academy.

My goal is to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you might have once dreamed possible.