Look Viruses Are People Too


Everyone thinks I am crazy when I say this over and over again.

“Look, viruses are people, too.”

– “What on earth are you saying?!”

This is simple biology in that viruses do not exist to kill us. 

Viruses seek optimal conditions to transfer their genes to progeny.

“Why on earth would they want to lose their house?”

Their “house,” in this case, is your body.

Look viruses are people too!

A virus moves into you and sets up shop, meaning it begins to replicate itself.

Many people do not know a weakened immune system attracts a virus to set up shop in your body.

Anytime your host resistance is down, you become prey for germs, parasites, viruses, bacteria, you name it.

 Sugar can weaken the immune system!

Think back to COVID-19 for a moment. When the virus was at its peak one demographic died in great numbers. People who were overweight had diabetes or heart problems. 

And each of these conditions can be attributed to the abusive intake of sugar.

In fact, in the hospital I am associated with in Scottsdale, Arizona, I would argue that between 94 and 97% of the people who died during the pandemic died from the effects of sugar.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m the author of the popular book, “Sugar Crush.

If you have a chronic disease that won’t let you go, if you’ve tried everything and been unable to shake it, I hope you’ll consider taking my course, The Urban Carnivore.

We can finally get you off a diet rich in sugar, and back to a place where you can be healthy again.

What the Heck Does Sugar Crush Mean?


I’m Dr. Richard Jacoby, the author of “Sugar Crush.

What the heck does “Sugar Crush” mean?

It’s how sugar is a poison that causes many terrible diseases that people assume derive from alternative sources.

I have shown how sugar damages our bodies’ peripheral nerves through research.

The original title of this book was The Nerve of It.

My editor nixed the idea.

“Come up with something better,” she said.

What the heck does “Sugar Crush” mean?

I got the name “Sugar Crush” from researchers A. R. Upton and A. J. McComas, who published a seminal article called “The Double Crush in Nerve Entrapment Syndromes.”

Upton and McComas were researching carpal tunnel syndrome.

They noticed that when they did surgeries on the brachial plexus of the neck, their patients’ carpal tunnel syndrome went away.

And vice versa. How could that be?

Eventually, they determined that there was a double mechanical crush, a link between compression of the brachial plexus and carpal tunnel disease.

Cure one, and the other goes away. Upton and McComas also noticed that a good portion of their patients were diabetics.

They began to wonder if that could be related to what was causing the crush in the first place. 

Both began to think that maybe sugar was the culprit, which is precisely my conclusion! 

So, my new title, “Sugar Crush,” was an homage to these two researchers.

It was also the reader’s first exposure to the conclusion of my research.

Consuming too much sugar places mechanical pressure on the nerves, and this pressure can create diseases.

The means of relief? That’s simple. Stop eating sugar!

What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar?

What happens when you overeat sugar?

When you eat a lot of sugar, which means more than one teaspoon per day, your insulin levels go up.

This happens because your body is trying to get the sugar out of your blood.

Sugar triggers a biochemical process called the Maillard reaction. Heat is created as amino acids interact with reducing sugars.

But when sugar levels are high, they get inside the tunnels that house our nerves.

What happens when you overeat sugar?

The Maillard reaction causes our nerve coverings to shrink. This is called compression.

High levels of nitric oxide mark it.

Each time this happens, the nerves become tightened a little more swollen.

Over time—three or four decades, for instance—sugar can ruin your nerves and cause other diseases like diabetes.

What happens when you overeat sugar?

Sugar can also increase our bodies’ cholesterol output, which forms plaque in the blood vessel walls and leads to atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries.

Which, of course, leads to heart disease.

I can’t tell you how many patients I’ve seen who tell me, “Dr. Jacoby, I just don’t get it.”

“I went to the hospital for a heart attack. When I came out, I had diabetes.”

“But I never had diabetes before!”

I tell them, “Yes, you did. You didn’t know it.”

The sugar they were consuming increased their cholesterol levels, which triggered the heart attack.

But the root cause of all their woes was their sugar-rich diet.

I’ve seen this again and again.

These days, I tell people two things that are easy to remember.

One: Dead is an alarming symptom. Meaning, don’t wait til you dead to do what I’m about to tell you next.

Two: Cut sugar out of your diet.

Then watch how amazing you start to feel!

How Can Compressing a Nerve Make Your Whole Body Sick

How can compressing a nerve make your whole body sick?

Most people don’t know that our nerves have fluid inside them called axonal plasmid.

You can think of this fluid as water that runs through a garden hose.

And I bet this has happened to you.

When you were a kid playing outside, let’s say in the summer, the hose was turned on, and somebody stepped on it.

What happened?

The water stopped flowing, right?

Then maybe your brother or sister handed you the “dead horse” and said, “Here. Look inside!”

So you did.

Then, they took their foot off the hose.

You got blasted in the face with water!

How can compressing a nerve make your whole body sick?

The same thing happens to the nerve plasmid during the double crush syndrome.

Only this syndrome is caused by sugar.

When sugar gets into our nerves, it tightens their myelin sheathing and swells them up in their tunnels, causing compression.

The result is neuropathy: loss of sensation, along with a host of problems related to that.

If you looked at nerves under 3.5x magnification, as I do while performing surgery wearing a set of loupes, you’d see this clearly as day.

But what happens once you decompress the nerves?

Simple. They return to normal functioning. The water starts flowing again, and health is restored.

The uptick of all this?

Cut sugar out of your diet. Do it now!

And if you’re suffering from any persistent chronic ailment, come talk to me.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. My goal is to help you live better and longer.

What the FDA Doesn’t Want You to Know

What the FDA Doesn’t Want You to Know

Founded in 1992, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine is an international organization dedicated to deep research and education into longevity, holistic medicine, and metabolic resistance.

The FDA doesn’t want to let you know they don’t like A4M because of the new technology.

 A4M champions works.

Take the subject of exosomes.

Exosomes are nanoparticles of human stem cells.

Think of them as tiny droplets of a much more giant bubble.

However, despite their diminutive size, these exosomes nonetheless carry the same cellular information as stem cells.

It functions much like a hologram, where each tiny piece represents the entire picture the complete hologram represents.

The use of exosomes in the healing arts is currently controversial.

The American Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, typically only approves of their use by—oddly enough—aestheticians, who use them in skin care for their clients.

It’s a bit like using the cure for cancer to heal a case of athlete’s foot.

I consider it deeply irresponsible.

The FDA doesn’t want to, you know.

Because of the FDA’s chokehold on anything related to stem cells, most people interested in this therapy leave the country to get what they need.

Does that sound sane to you? It doesn’t to me.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby.

I’m the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at www.drjacoby.academy.

My goal is to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you ever imagined.

One way you can do this is to enroll in my Urban Carnivore course, where I will give you a spectrum of new therapies that can drastically improve your existence.

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Devices

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Devices

Recently, I attended the annual A4M conference in Las Vegas.

A4M stands for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

One of my favorite booths was for a company called Medwatch.

They manufacture the next wave of non-invasive glucose monitoring devices.

If I ate an apple, their products could quickly note the spike in my blood sugar—assuming I was epigenetically prone to such spikes.

Great things will come from this, I assure you.

It’s my position that so many of our currently common ailments are caused by our cultural addiction to sugar.

But with products like this on the market, anyone can get a fast, direct, and accurate count of how much sugar they have in their system.

We can use that information to stamp out diseases before they get serious.

There were plenty of other inventions on display at this year’s A4M.

like a set of glasses from a company called Blink, which can scan the anterior aspect of your eyes to diagnose up to 30 diseases.

Imagine diagnosing diseases just by donning a pair of glasses!

That’s the world I want you to enter … while I act as your guide.

My name is Dr. Richard Jacoby. I’m known as one of the world’s most accomplished peripheral nerve surgeons.

I’m also the author of the celebrated book “Sugar Crush” and my new book “Unglued.”

Stop by my website at www.drjacoby.academy.

I aim to help you live a longer, happier, healthier life than you once dreamed possible.

One way you can do this is to enroll in my Urban Carnivore course, where I will give you an overview of new products and therapies like the ones I cite above to improve your existence drastically.